This month we are choosing to feature the achievements of a number of our children – every child affected by infantile spasms has their own unique challenges but they share a determination not to let anything stop them. Enjoy!
Indie – still on treatment but pulling to stand on her own!
Since the first week of June Frankie has learned to sit up on his own and from that he can now pull himself up and cruise along the furniture. And he’s started crawling as well! It’s been a busy 6 weeks. He’s on 3 different medications for IS, focal and atomic spasms (we’ve been seizure free for 5 days now for the first time since December) and everyday he surprises us. He’s 17 months old.
Callum had an induction day at his new school ready for his first day in September. He will never be seizure free but we are very proud of how far he has come since his diagnosis a few days before his 1st birthday back in 2019.
Oliver, 10m old! Seizure free for 3 months, a few milestones missed but his determination to try is outstanding! He can say no and we think mam! And he loves his food! Even with lumps!
Charlotte was awarded a swimming certificate!
Ollie is 2.5 years old, working so hard on his standing and taking supported steps. 1 year post vigabatrin wean
Harvey has been seizure free for 10months, he is on 3 medications twice daily (Keppra, Carmazepine & Vigabatrin) for focal epilepsy & IS & Moderate Hearing loss in both ears. Also taking melatonin as he struggles to sleep.
It’s all about little things for achievements for Harvey,
He is learning to copy us waving bye, he looks at our hand and looks at his own and opens and closes his hands. (he doesn’t understand the meaning but its a start)
This year Harvey has learnt to crawl, and to pull himself up and walk along furniture. Little achievements but such a big deal.